Following an accident, there is a lot to think about. You may have to get used to sudden lifestyle changes, and the recovery period can be long and demanding. For many people, legal action against those responsible is the last thing on their mind.
However, making an accident compensation claim is often a very necessary and beneficial way to deal with the issues which arise following a serious injury, such as financial losses due to time off work. Read on to find out if you might be able to make an accident compensation claim.
Not everyone is eligible to make a claim for compensation. If you want to know whether you can make an accident injury claim, take a look through this list of questions:
1) Did your accident happen in the last three years? The answer needs to be ‘yes’ to make you eligible for an accident claim. This rule does not apply, though, to claims for illnesses such as asbestosis or work-induced cancers.
2) Was the accident someone else’s fault? As you make expect, the answer needs to be at least partly ‘yes’, if you want to make an accident compensation claim.
1 comment:
very nice and intriguing post i loved it. i would like to add that Getting a compensation claim is a simple task to do. An advice from a personal injury compensation claims company can shorten the entire procedure of making a claim. Specialized accident claims solicitors provided by these claims companies may assist you toward your goal. These solicitors have plentiful knowledge in managing claims cases and are specialised in all areas of personal injury litigation. They can help make a compensation claim for a whiplash injury, an accident at work, medical negligence. With no win no fee claims procedure; a claimant can get compensation with no financial worries at all.
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